Kosher Meals on Wheels Coordinator
Syracuse, NY
Part Time
Seeking A Kosher Meals on wheels Coordinator
Kosher Meals on Wheels Coordinator
High school grad or beyond sought as Kosher Meals on Wheels Coordinator. Half-time position resp. for coordinating and performing the packing, sorting and delivery of meals three days/wk (M-W-F). Works collaboratively with dietary services, clients and their families, healthcare providers and other community agencies to best serve nutritional and social services needs of client. Maintains appropriate client and meals records. Recruits, trains, manages and provides backup to volunteer drivers. Required skills and attributes include compassion, listening and other “people” skills, excellent organization and ability to multitask, reliability, and willingness to/enjoyment of physical food service-related and driving tasks. Must be able and willing to learn and adhere to Jewish dietary laws and safe food handling standards. Must drive own car for occasional deliveries (mileage is reimbursed). Potential for combination of other agency responsibilities to create full-time position.
To apply please send cover letter and resume to Ellen Somers, Assistant Director, at
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